Frequently asked questions
How do I know which program is right for me?
Everyone’s needs are different. However, as a general guide:
The 12-week program is suitable for most people. Even if you already know the basics of weight management, it will give you a refresher and get you started on making healthy lifestyle changes.
The wellbeing clinic is best for those who want a customised plan with one on one support. This could be because you have some unique issues or aren’t a fan of online programs.
Doctor-supported solutions are worth exploring if traditional approaches to weight loss (like diet and exercise) haven’t worked for you in the past. You might also have weight related medical issues that you need to get a handle on fast.
Can I do all three programs at once?
Provided you are assessed by a medical practitioner as suitable, yes. Because each program uses a different approach to weight management, you may be able to do all three programs together.
What if I just want to do one program?
That’s totally fine. There is no obligation to do more than one program..
Nothing has worked for me in the past. Why would this be any different?
We can’t guarantee you results. However, having access to a variety of options for weight loss support can increase the chances of finding an approach that will work in your situation.
Can I change programs after starting one?
Yes. There are no lock-in contracts with any of our programs. If you start one and it isn’t a good fit, you can stop right away and try something else.
Where can I find out more about SiSU Health and InstantScripts?
You can find out more about SiSU Health and InstantScripts here.